Dilating the caliber with an intent to displace step by step in an ascension way.

An adequate blend of Technologies and strategies to generate and fulfil the opportunities. A prime IT Staffing firm persistently maintaining and leading with our Client's trust and our expertise.

End-to-end Staffing Services for IT Companies

Here and now the business demands for gracefulness. By taking the time to listen and understand our client’s needs and people’s career aspirations, Nekstar Technologies has gained a unique perspective into the intersection of talent and business. One among the leading IT staffing firms, we enable you to achieve and optimise the most strategic and variable component to business success—right people, with right skills, competencies, and attitudes.

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Entrusting the global leading brands to introduce innovation and business value.




Java Fullstack




IT Services

Fasten up belt for your professional growth with skilled engineers, with long years of experience in technologies and our screened opportunities.

IT Staffing

We provide IT staffing service to find competent candidates to fill the different job roles in the IT companies. It is a systematic implementation process of the human resources plan, which involves finding or attracting candidates, evaluation, selection and recruitment.


We ensure during our training programs to help the attendees to gain the knowledge and skills in their a particular technologies. It seeks to improve the job performance and work behaviour of those trained. Training is always a plus to exhibit the best of your skills and learnings.


Getting involved in the process of identifying, sourcing, screening, shortlisting, and interviewing candidates for the job opportunities. We follow the major method of recruiting by creating a wide pool of qualified candidates from which one has to choose the most qualified individual for the job as per the opportunities.

Technical Support

For the IT businesses needing technical support, our outsourcing allows them to maintain high availability of service. All technical support assets, outsourcing enables their core employees to focus more on their work in order to maintain productivity and enhance their skills.